| 1. | The boys' refrain came faintly up to wilson like a nursery rhyme . 小孩们像唱儿歌似地反复喊着一句话,隐隐约约地传进威尔逊的耳朵里。
| 2. | Loses sleep time hears him to sing the nursery rhymes 肆。失眠的时候听见他唱童谣。
| 3. | On the differences between children ' s poetry and nursery rhymes 浅谈儿童诗与儿歌之区别
| 4. | This nursery rhyme is very familiar to me 我对这首摇篮曲很熟悉。
| 5. | A new healthy nursery rhyme creates a pure land for children 唱响健康向上新童谣还孩子们心灵一方净土
| 6. | Calf : i can speak chinese . i can even sing a chinese nursery rhyme 小牛:我会说中文。还会唱中文儿歌。
| 7. | You know , like the nursery rhyme 你知道,就像童谣。
| 8. | It ' s like a nursery rhyme 这很像是童谣
| 9. | Children s english - language courses using canadian legends and nursery rhymes 根据加拿大民间传说和故事制作的儿童英语教学节目
| 10. | Those lost nursery rhymes resounding near my ears , everthing seems freshly and lively as before 那失落的童谣又在耳边响起,一切仍是那样的鲜活如昔。